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Factor tree for 5140

Here you can find the answer to questions related to: Factor tree for 5140 or how to draw the factor tree for 5140.

Factor Tree Calculator

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The number 5140 is a composite number because 5140 can be divided by 1, by itself and at least by 2, 5 and 257. So, it is possible to draw its prime tree.

The prime factorization of 5140 = 22•5•257. See its prime factors tree below.

Factor tree for 5140

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How to draw the factor tree

The procedure below applies to any non-prime number.

Supose you want to find the factor tree of 32. In this case, you show use the folowing steps:

    /  \
   2   16
      /  \
     2   8
        /  \
       2    4
          /  \
         2    2

 32 is not prime --> divide by 2

 16 is not prime --> divide by 2

 8 is not prime --> divide by 2

  4 is not prime --> divide by 2

  2 is prime --> stop

Note that these dividers (in this case all are equal to 2) are the prime factors. They are also called the leaves of the factor tree.

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