Factor tree for 337
Here you can find the answer to questions related to: Factor tree for 337 or how to draw the factor tree for 337.
Factor Tree Calculator
Enter a natural number to get its fator tree: |
Ex.: 6, 9, 26, 256, etc. This calculator accepts big numbers up to 100,000 or more. |
The number 337 is a prime number, because 337 is only divided by 1 or by itself.
No factor tree for 337. It is not possible to draw trees for prime numbers. |
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How to draw the factor tree
The procedure below applies to any non-prime number.
- Find 2 factors of the number;
- Look at the 2 factors and determine if at least one of them is not prime;
- If it is not a prime factor it;
- Repeat this process until all factors are prime.
Supose you want to find the factor tree of 32. In this case, you show use the folowing steps:
32 / \ 2 16 / \ 2 8 / \ 2 4 / \ 2 2 |
32 is not prime --> divide by 2
16 is not prime --> divide by 2 8 is not prime --> divide by 2 4 is not prime --> divide by 2 2 is prime --> stop |
Note that these dividers (in this case all are equal to 2) are the prime factors. They are also called the leaves of the factor tree.